
Innovation in Web-Based Student Portfolios

This section of the Weblog is meant to generate postings by faculty who are experimenting with the use of web-based student portfolios. For a great example of this type of innovation, take at look at the site being developed by the four-course “Who Am I in America?” Learning Community:



At 10/05/2007, Blogger The Cube said...

I am very interested in what could be done to provide for, and deliver, effective collaboration tools as part of a students enrollment. I have been in classes where balckboard is used to great advantage and where I am constantly being pushed to write as a learning process in and of itself. what can activate this for students is to provide them a "place" where this kind of reflection is both easy to use and easy to access.

To be specific, I am interested in providing students a much more accessible desktop to information- where they can interact "virtually" with other students, faculty and staff. OK enough for a late Friday afternoon!


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